Your Rapidly Evolving Brain-Space”

(a) Copernicus (b 1473); (b) Kepler; (c) Galileo (d: 1642) – from the 1400s to the 1600s, these three men collectively discovered (A) orbits in our night sky (B) elliptical orbits (C) early insights into ‘depth’ in heavenly space. These discoveries represent early steps towards our modern, fact-based analysis of reality and away from a faith-based analysis of reality. They also represent an early intellectual move for any thoughtful individual in the modern era – away from authority being our truth and towards truth being our authority.
(a) Copernicus (b 1473); (b) Kepler; (c) Galileo (d: 1642) – from the 1400s to the 1600s, these three men collectively discovered (A) orbits in our night sky (B) elliptical orbits (C) early insights into ‘depth’ in heavenly space. These discoveries represent early steps towards our modern, fact-based analysis of reality and away from a faith-based analysis of reality. They also represent an early intellectual move for any thoughtful individual in the modern era – away from authority being our truth and towards truth being our authority.
1643-1727 – Isaac Newton is best remembered for the insights he gave us about gravity, light, and the mathematics of Calculus – the head-wrecking despair of many school students. Newton also gave us the method for predicting ocean tides and times – even though he never once visited the ocean in his lifetime. The value of Newton’s Scientific work for us today is that he accurately defined reality at its FIRST speed – variable speed; trajectories; entry-level reality; force and momentum allowing physical movement across time and space between material objects. This is existence at our common, every-day, localised scale of reality – our predominantly physical reality.

1830-1879 – James Clerk Maxwell progressively uncovered what we now know as the electromagnetic spectrum. Maxwell found daily inspiration for his scientific insights and research while on his walks to and from the Cavendish Laboratory (University of Cambridge) with his dog – actually a series of dogs, each in turn given the same name: Toby. Maxwell’s ground-breaking mathematics and laboratory research widened our mental horizons for the first time onto a solid understanding of reality’s underlying immaterial or ‘energetic’ nature. Because of Maxwell’s pure genius for theoretical and applied science, from this point forward in the evolution of human consciousness, the words ‘energy’ and ‘force’ would no longer be confined to purely physical measurements of work done and effort applied (either input or output) in real-life situations – words such as horsepower, watt, calorie, joules, etc. Since the time of Maxwell’s contributions to science, our grasp of the words ‘energy’ and ‘force’ has come to embrace unseen powers, invisible dynamics and hidden influences such as the big four – the strong and weak nuclear forces, the electromagnetic force, and the force of gravity. In scientific circles, today’s ongoing search to find the point of unification for these four foundational forces is the search to uncover and verify a Unified Theory of Everything.

Warning: It is impossible for this science search for a “Unified Theory” to succeed. This is because there must be some vantage-point that is not included in the theory – an ‘outside’ vantage-point for the intelligent validation of any solution on offer; a point for validation lying beyond the boundaries of any definition of ‘unified reality’, where an observer can validate or invalidate the candidate theory.

And this points to something much more valuable to humanity and to the emerging power and influence of our rapidly evolving brain-space: a Unifying Experience of Everything. This unifying experience of everything switches on our enlightened experience of the full field of reality at the quantum or instantaneous THIRD speed.

1850 – Jean Foucault discovered the unchanging speed of light when it is in a vacuum. This universal speed of visible photons (or light) – the 4th ‘wave band’ of seven energetic bands of photons that propagate across the electromagnetic spectrum – was our first scientific recognition of the SECOND speed of reality: the fixed speed of light. Our next discovery of the existence of reality’s SECOND speed was when we discovered the fixed speed of all seemingly ‘solid’ surfaces.

Let me explain. We now know that the nature of all physical surfaces is essentially electro-dynamic. The appearance of solidness is in fact a ‘surface’ phenomenon provided by toroidally-moving electrons interacting with other select sub-atomic particles. This mind-snapping fact means that ‘solidness’ is not independently solid. Instead, solidness is a localized phenomenon that appears to us wherever we set our mind to resonate at the level of reality where we detect an infinite crumple of energetic surfaces clustered together – crumpled up and intermingled internally across an infinite number of convex, concave and flat planes within an internal infinity of directions heading off every-which-way until they collectively encounter the curvature of space at the object’s outside surface. This physical ‘event horizon’ of a surface allows us to mentally create the appearance of a seemingly solid, separate, material object anywhere within any localized space around us by simply fixating our focal point of attention low and primitive – down at the event horizon of reality’s variable FIRST speed.

The clustered entanglement of these ‘surface’ electrons – Niels Bohr’s top-state electrons, perpetually moving to form the outer dynamic ‘shell’ of an atom – is what gives any physical object the appearance of a surface. Interactions between electrons atom-to-atom throughout the inner workings of any physical object are also what gives the appearance of depth, solidness, density, mass and structure to every material thing big or small. So, our perception of permanence that we call ‘solidness’ is actually one of nature’s creations to be detected by our mindset energised at the event horizon of reality’s fixed SECOND speed.

While we are considering the existence of objects in space and time, it’s worth taking a brief look at the true nature of ‘location’. By local I mean “occupying two or more points but never one point in time or space”. In reality, any material object is a localised cluster of points in space … yes, but single-pointed … no! True singularity is immaterial and occurs only at reality’s instantaneous THIRD speed (see Einstein year 1905 and more below).

Here, with our attention normalized down to the FIRST (or variable) speed of reality, single-pointedness seems to be self-evident, obvious and a common-sense concept to grasp. But single-pointedness and its non-local or non-finite powers remain totally unattainable when our mind remains fixated and set on our everyday common-sense view of local reality. In fact, occupying two physical points is the minimum space available at the FIRST speed. Again, there is no pure singularity in the created reality of space and time, only local reality or proximity. This is pseudo-locality; locality-lite. Meanwhile, immaterial, non-finite singularity remains the elusive missing link, and the discovery of true non-finite reality, must wait until 1935 for the older Einstein to show us the way. (see below).

1900 – Max Planck gave us the Planck length – the smallest size of anything this side of nothing, measuring 10-35, or a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of one meter. He coined the term ‘Quanta’ for this smallest of the small, and from there we have ‘quantum physics’. Looking in the opposite direction, astrophysicists have given us an outside measurement of 10+25 meters to reach the event horizon of our created cosmos. Plank also gave us the smallest unit of time – 10-44 seconds – the time taken to travel one Planck Length. So, we now have working measurements for (1) the biggest in created reality, (2) the smallest in created reality, and (3) the tightest time-frame.

Max Planck won his Nobel Prize in 1918.

1900 – David Hilbert presented a collection of mathematical problems that set the course for much of mathematical research in the 20th century. With mathematics underscoring all arenas of scientific research, part of Hilbert’s contribution to our understanding of the full field of reality and our complete conscious engagement with it, was his theorems describing infinite-dimensional space – geometrical shapes that are a seamless continuation of a ‘non-finiteness’ that is formless, immeasurable, yet never-was-not; a perpetual state; eternal; undefinable.

Within his mathematics, Hilbert had uncovered a formless feature of greater reality for us – a non-finite ‘no-thing’; un-finite. This is absolutely not about some vast and infinite extension in every direction of time and space. Hilbert’s in-finite is a magnificently simple nothing; a feature without form; non-finite and without location; an energetic state that is everywhere in general but nowhere in particular. The non-local present. Here is not some place lurking at the extremities of space and time, but a place to be found up close and personal, accessible within every open and enquiring mind; the ultimate in mindfulness; the indescribable lightness of being.

If we accept the proposition that something can and does come from Hilbert’s no-thing – and the Big Bang offered exactly this explosive paradox when all of history and the entire created cosmos began emerging from nothing at that first instant 13.8 billion years ago – then we can also accept the equal and opposite proposition: that a state of nothing (a no-thing, never not present in the present, never created and never formed) can continue to exist totally independent of everything in time and space, and be totally unaffected by anything in time and space yet have access everywhere within time and space. This ‘absurd’ concept of a functional zero-point is very practical and realistic. In fact, a workable ‘nothing’ is central to the design, programming and function of a lot of today’s computer functionality and modern technology such as medical imaging.

When we dare ourselves to think about it, we see that this original, in-finite, perpetual state of uncreated, greater reality has always existed, and therefore cannot ever not be – this non-finite or non-local field of un-caused and unknowable energy that persists in perfect and uninterrupted balance and is indifferent to our inventions of passing time and any fixed position in space. This permanent feature of greater reality remains forever-present without position – persisting as a timeless bridge between everywhere and everywhere else, instantaneously.

This is Dr. Who’s T.A.R.D.I.S – the ‘Time And Relative Dimension In Space’ portal – the way to awaken and unleash the power of shape-shifting reality to master our health, wellness and personal effectiveness at the quantum or instantaneous THIRD speed, one brain at a time. What Hilbert touched on mathematically and Einstein later identified as “spooky action at a distance” offers a permanent bridge across forever, voiding time and space with pre-existing open access to all areas at all times and all places and all local spaces. Here is the highest state of reality waiting to be recovered by each of us, waiting to be tuned in to and consciously engaged with, by all of us.

1900s – Georg Cantor’s work gave us mathematical set theory, allowing repeating ratios, and ratios of ratios, with all of this seamlessly scaling on and on out to infinity. Cantor and Hilbert collaborated often and got on well together professionally.
1901 – The first year of the Nobel prizes – in Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine. The Nobel Prizes are a bequest from the Swedish chemist, engineer and industrialist Alfred Nobel (d: 1895).
1903 & 1911 – Marie Curie won one of her two Nobel Prizes for her discovery of radioactivity, which she named. The discovery of these high frequency, high energy vibrations revealed another dimension of power that has helped us fingerprint the unseen, immaterial, mysterious dimensions of existence and helped us map greater reality. Later we learned that invisible, deadly ionizing radiation is a signature in common with the top three of the seven ‘energies’ that populate the electromagnetic spectrum – ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma.

1905 – the year in which Einstein’s four scientific papers changed forever our common view on space, time, mass, and energy. In particular, Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity was revolutionary. Amongst his four published articles that year, Einstein also revealed that a beam of light is made up of discrete ‘particles’. Max Planck had discovered that light has a beginning and an end, but Einstein showed us that light also acts like a stream of discrete particles when moving uninterrupted through space.

However, Einstein’s most important revelation in any of these four papers remained obscured by his wildly celebrated equation E=M x C2 (E = energy; M = mass; C = light-speed).

A little-known fact is that Einstein did not write that equation in his Special Theory of Relativity when his four papers were presented and discussed across 1905. Though Einstein’s E=M x C2 was applauded and celebrated, what Einstein actually wrote in 1905 was M=E÷C2, which in plain English means “Mass is moving energy”. Einstein’s revelation here was that without internal movement – a roiling of energy within itself – all physical reality disappears. This means that at the heart of our everyday-scale of reality at the FIRST speed, there is in fact no separate mass independently moving through time and across space. Instead, Einstein’s revelation shows us that the persistent existence of everything in our so-called ‘physical’ reality exists and persists only because of the effect of the perpetual movement of energy within each and every object.

At today’s ordinary FIRST speed of reality, if we conjoin Isaac Newton’s f=M x A (force is mass that moves) together with Einstein’s M=E÷C2 (mass is energy that moves), we can see that everything in created existence is a perpetual transformation and regeneration of an ever-present, energetic force of change within itself and continues in association with every other thing in its surroundings near and far. Reality that we experience at this FIRST speed is reality experienced in a perpetual state of impermanence across all of time and space. Under these totally understandable and ever-changing circumstances, earthly attachment to anything we hold dear in our life is a futile diversion from life’s core purpose. Consciousness is the intelligent universe becoming aware of itself. All individual mindset is how the intelligent universe pays attention.

1915 – Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Einstein’s dazzling work, both as a 26-year-old in 1905 and again in 1915, gave humanity its first mathematically calculated glimpse into reality at its THIRD speed – the instantaneous; the ‘impossible’ speed where distance is dissolved, and time distorted and void – with all material existence in time and space revealed to be an insubstantial, 2-dimensional hologram. Einstein fully developed his counter-intuitive insights further in 1935 (see more below). Nonetheless, young Einstein’s 1905 equation M=E÷C2 gave us the first mathematics to select a point of view capable of seeing a scale of greater reality beyond the FIRST speed (which is our entry-level perception of reality’s long path through time and space), up through the SECOND speed of surface appearances revealed in time and space, and onto the short path – the instantaneous THIRD speed, indifferent to time and space and with access-all-areas connection at the source of all information everywhere.

This breakout from the limitations of time and space into the timeless ‘ever-present’ of reality’s THIRD speed is key to our rapidly evolving human powers of visualization, transformation, manifestation and ‘revelation’. Here revelation means the moments when our personal perception of the complete energetic field of our mentality at all horizons becomes engaged with the complete energetic field of reality at all three speeds, seen and unseen. By opening our mind to experience reality at this infinity-scale, we allow ourselves access-all-areas to the full field of reality – seen and unseen – by choice. This is the ancient offering of the mystics; the ‘Way’ of the sages; the art of fully engaging your three super-powers of conscious perception – your quantum powers of attention, choice and thinking – to the best of your ability.

At this THIRD speed, distance is made redundant. At the THIRD speed, any sense we might have of the ‘cosmic void’ waiting far away out there in deepest space at 10+25 metres away is itself surpassed and made redundant by a more immediate personal experience of the greater reality at the FIRSTspeed. At this THIRD scale of perception, we experience and easily work with a feature of greater reality that is indifferent to the existence of time and space and at one with the forever-present. This scale of reality takes us to the fullest extent of our un-common, less obvious, most influential horizon of mind and scale of reality … the power-point of instantaneous transformation, manifestation and revelation. Here we have the capacity for all choices to be fully informed, and all problems in every arena of our life to be resolved to the best of our ability.

At this point in humanity’s long and draw out awakening, any complete view of reality can seem to many of us to belong more in the hallucinogenic world of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. But the fact is that nowhere in existence anywhere can we find any part of created reality stationary for one moment – nowhere from orbiting galaxies at a distance in the vicinity of 10+25 meters to orbiting electrons at a size in the vicinity of 10-35 meters. This unstoppable dynamic momentum within everything and between everything within all scales of reality is what makes all predictions within time and space carry a totally frustrating and disruptive element of uncertainty. (See Heisenberg’s quantum Uncertainty Principle below.)

And speaking of travelling into the future, with your rapidly evolving brain space and your capacity for vivid visualization, you can consciously allow part of your attention to go forward into the future before all of you can get there, and you can let that part of your mindset stay there in that future reality until the rest of you and your surroundings arrive there, body and all, at your new reality. Welcome to undergraduate time travel 101.

From any common sense FIRST speed viewpoint, the whole idea that fundamental reality has no independent substance and no structure complete unto itself and separate from everything else, is an idea that itself appears to have no substance or reality. But then, common sense is almost always committed to a blinding hold on reality at the FIRSTspeed. Very recently, researchers within the field of quantum mechanics and quantum technology have discovered that any photon at any frequency along the electromagnetic spectrum – visible photon or not – is structurally empty and more accurately considered to be a dynamic hole in space itself. A state of reality that is truly nothing. This is a truly mind-altering scientific discovery. This is a very different reality to the common view of a photon – that these primary messengers of nature are separate and miniscule, stand-alone, bright and ‘lumpy’ particles moving through space (Einstein 1905). Not so. At the heart of ‘solid’ reality, nothing is what really matters. To get to that level of awareness and experience we have to let go of our mental fixations – in effect, let go of every ‘thing’ and hold no-thing.

1921 – Albert Einstein eventually won the Nobel Prize for his earlier work on light, including his proof that light travelled as a stream of discrete ‘bits’. His most important work – his discovery of spooky action at a distance – was itself unacceptable to Einstein. He had discovered a scale or feature of reality beyond borders and boundaries – a way of being that is indifferent to the mechanics of space and the slowness of time, and unaffected by both. But Einstein’s mental fixation, shared by almost all of us today and normalised in the ordinary person across aeons where we have restricted our experience of reality to the FIRST speed almost exclusively, could not be reconciled with his own discovery pointing to another scale of reality active at the THIRD speed. Einstein rejected his own best work until his dying day.

1922 – Niels Bohr was awarded the Nobel prize in Physics for his services to the investigation of the structure of atoms as the building blocks of our material world, including the photons of energy emanating from them. Bohr had already given us his model of the atom, including the stepped orbital ‘layers’ or energy states of the swirling electrons within every atom.

The simplistic model of discrete electron ‘particles’ zooming in physical orbit around a central nucleus has been largely discredited – eclipsed by the evolution of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. The later work of Wolfgang Pauli in quantum electro-dynamics and others in quantum mechanics is relevant to that evolution. To Bohr’s credit, as new and illuminating information poured into the field of quantum science, Bohr remained a leader in a field that has become one of today’s two most life-changing and informative arenas of applied research – quantum technology and astrophysics.

While it was French Duke Louis de Broglie who developed a theory for the wave-particle duality of electrons (went public 1923-4; Nobel prize 1929), it was Bohr who later calculated and concluded that an electron was simultaneously a wave and a particle. ‘Simultaneously’ is key here. Even though the maths correctly led to this seemingly impossible conclusion, it was counter intuitive realities such as this, lurking at the heart of the quantum world, that Einstein could never accept. Early work such as this – all the way to John Bell, with his mathematical proof of ‘inequality’ in 1964 (see below), and others beyond – helped prepare a strong foundation to today’s emerging realisation that at the scale of reality’s THIRD speed, there is no separation between solid substance and it’s energetic surroundings. Each of the two – substance and surroundings; content and context – is continuous with the other and a seamless extension of the other. Welcome to the concept and application of the Super Connectome.

In support of Radical Wisdom’s insight that we live in a perpetually creative universe with an un-created and persistent ‘never-was-not’ property indifferent to created space and time – and with an infinite potential for creative emergence at every single point within space and time – we need to find credible and observable real-world evidence for both (a) infinity and (b) creativity everywhere far and wide. And the necessary evidence is there in front of our faces every waking moment if we care to look.

INFINITY: We can identify infinity in the unbroken and unbreakable endlessness of every surface of every physical object. You can multiply a surface by cutting or breaking a physical object, but each of the multiplied surfaces remains endless – no beginning point or end point.

CREATIVITY: We can see creativity at every point in the created cosmos of time and space through the detected accelerating expansion of the created cosmos. What we see as the acceleration that has been detected by Astronomers across the great distances between two widely separated galaxies, is actually the accumulation of ceaseless primal creativity emerging through every localised point in space and time. This ‘bubbling’ through every localised point makes space increase at every point in space. Quantum tunnelling. This increased emergence pushes any two points in space further and further apart. This then creates more points in created space. These new localised points themselves become new points of creativity, leading to the compounding effect of a constant increase in separation between all localised points at all points. This is where the appearance of the accelerating distance between galaxies arises from. This is a case of creation, not acceleration – universal creation at the instantaneous THIRD speed as the effect of quantum tunnelling, but identified by us as localised acceleration with our self-limiting viewpoint consciously set at the FIRST speed. Also, in our pursuit of creativity at the subatomic level, there has been no proof supporting the common assumption that when an electron loses or gains energy and appears to shift orbits within its atom, it is definitely the same electron that reappears instantaneously at the other orbital energy-level. Instead, key evidence strongly suggests that what we are witnessing at this subatomic foundation of physical existence is a case of dematerialisation of one electron and the immediate materialization of another entirely new electron at the instantaneous THIRD speed.

Also, given the new calculations by Nassir Harimein that there is exactly the same amount of information available within any one photon as there is within the whole universe, either his calculations are wrong or we now have more evidence that the structure of the created Cosmos is a quantum structure, and all photons are in a state of universal quantum coherence. The best way to explain the weird world of quantum coherence is as a state of quantum super-positioning or entanglement multiplied. And in the case of photons and their information storage capacity, multiplied to infinity – as in the non-finite version of infinity – and manageable in association with Hilbert’s mathematics. We live in a quantum Cosmos.

Bohr was a brilliant mathematician, but he held tightly to the view that the actual particles in quantum physics and their weird workings could not be conceptualised in any way other than mathematically, and certainly not ‘visualised’ and described meaningfully without maths. He attacked Feynman and his Feynman Diagrams when they were first revealed. I don’t know what Bohr would make of my discovery of greater reality to be identified and profiled by its THREE speeds. However, the positive implications of us understanding the THREE speeds to leverage the part we play in today’s rapidly evolving human consciousness are limited only by our on-ground application of our imagination.

Coincidentally, the seamless creation-maintenance-destruction cycle we identify in the world around us at the FIRST speed is also represented in traditional Hinduism as the unified 3-in-1 trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Quantum physics is a newcomer to this field. Today, a review of many of the discoveries within quantum physics point to reality at the FIRST and SECOND speeds being within the sway of the ever present and seamless all-connecting matrix of reality at the instantaneous THIRD speed – the fundamental reality of the access-all-areas Super Connectome.

1926 – Gilbert Lewis: SCIENCE TRIVIA: After a long 25 years since (1) the early work on light by Max Planck in 1900, (2) the later work by Einstein in 1905-15, and (3) others before and after, in 1926 chemist Gilbert Lewis gave us the new name for these illuminating little particle-pulses that eventually carry all the information within the created cosmos. Lewis coined the word ‘Photon’. Lewis was nominated for a Nobel Prize 41 times. Lewis never won.

1927 – Werner Heisenberg published his paper on the Uncertainty Principle. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle tells us that if we know exactly where something is located – exactly – then in that same moment of recognition we have absolutely no clue about its speed. Equally, if we know everything about its speed, we have no clue in that instant about its exact location.

The prevailing quantum theory in the early 1900s saw a model of the atom with electrons in fixed quantized orbits around a core nucleus. Niels Bohr had shown that electrons could move to higher or lower energy states (called orbitals) by absorbing or emitting a photon of the matching wavelength. Though that model worked well for hydrogen, it ran into problems with larger atoms and with molecules. Something was missing and something more was needed.

Starting in 1925, Heisenberg took quantities such as position and velocity, and via his ‘new’ mathematics found a different way to represent and manipulate them into patterned grids or matrices. This new formulation accounted for many observed properties of atoms. This notion of unseen matrixes and the principles behind quantum uncertainty moved into mainstream quantum mechanics. Heisenberg’s quantum Field Theory was later proven inadequate, but his celebrated quantum Uncertainty Principle has stood the test of time.

Heisenberg won the Nobel Prize in 1932. (Delayed acceptance. Received in 1933.)

1933 – Paul Dirac shared the 1933 Nobel Prize for physics with Erwin Schrodinger “for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory”. Dirac was the first to develop quantum field theory, and his insights quantised the gravitational field. Dirac established the general theory of quantum electrodynamics, while also discovering the relativistic equation for the electron – known today as the Dirac Equation. Dirac’s work underlies all theoretical work on sub-atomic or “elementary” particles today and is fundamental to our understanding of the quantum forces within nature.

However, Dirac’s contribution to our understanding, to our direct conscious experience and our personal application of reality at the THIRD speed, is limited by one shortcoming – Dirac’s fixation on the primary particle as the absolute foundation-point of reality. He shared this unfortunate self-limiting fixation on a primary particle with Einstein and many other theoreticians and researchers in the quantum field. The debate between primary particle and emergent wave as the foundation of our created Cosmos remains hotly debated and unsettled today. This culturally ‘normalised’ fixation on a primary particle serving as material reality’s absolute foundation is what blunted Dirac’s Scientific thrust and reach. Dirac’s mathematical proof of “the existence of anti-matter” and his conclusion that “parallel universes exist” is the best conclusion available to Dirac. By appreciating the only two speeds of reality available to the primary particle mindset and missing the third, Dirac missed identifying the conditions of complete reality allowing every single thing to be experienced from two perspectives simultaneously – from the first (variable) speed or third speed. Durac’s conclusions about matter and antimatter and their mutual annihilation plus his parallel universes, were the best self-limiting conclusions he could draw because he missed seeing how the third speed allows every single thing to appear simultaneously again as a mirror of itself complete with every other single thing as part of one and the other is a seamless extension in one super space – the Super Connectome.

1935 – Albert Einstein had already coined the phrase “spooky action at a distance” to explain the unbelievably weird behaviours that his mathematics and the calculations of others in the field had predicted in the strange reality that is quantum physics. What Einstein had discovered earlier – and totally disbelieved – was almost certainly the most significant discovery of his life. In fact, what Einstein had captured was evidence of behaviours supporting the mysterious and elusive THIRD speed of reality.

Unfortunately, with their minds pre-set and fixed on a view of reality operating at the FIRST and SECOND speeds – stand-alone particles clustered locally – Einstein and two collaborators (Podolsky and Rosen) presented a thought experiment in 1935 to ‘prove’ that Einstein’s new ‘spooky’ predictions within quantum physics were wrong and incompatible with Newtonian classical physics and our own personal experience of everyday reality. Their collective pre-set assumption was that ‘local hidden variables’ remained to be discovered, and when these variables were eventually discovered, then ‘spooky action at a distance’ would be fully explained and no longer ‘spooky’ – and no longer contradicting classical physics.

However, this position of Einstein’s was his most unfortunate, because to date not one of his brilliant ‘spooky action’ predictions of Quantum Mechanics has been disproven, and almost all have been repeatedly confirmed – either in laboratory experiments by quantum physicists or the astronomical observations of astronomers and astrophysicists.

This was also the year Einstein moved permanently to the USA and settled for a position at Princeton University because, in his view, the Physics Faculty at Princeton at the time was populated by a bunch of “midgets on stilts”. Einstein hoped to be mostly left alone, unchallenged, and free to pursue his own research preoccupations.

1935 – Erwin Schrodinger gave the world his ‘cat in the box’ thought experiment to highlight the practical absurdities behind the original wrong-minded explanations to the results of the wave-particle double slit experiments. Schrodinger’s earlier work with quantum probabilities gave us Schrodinger’s Equation (1925) and helped us appreciate probabilities with infinite variables – while also coining the term quantum ‘entanglement’. Schrodinger’s work woke us up to potential power and possibilities of reality at the THIRD speed. This work earned him the Nobel prize in 1933. Reality at the FIRST speed gives us limited possibilities for prediction and planned outcomes. but reality at the THIRD speed gives us infinite probabilities for transformation and possibilities of manifestation, where everything and anything is more or less immediately possible, anywhere anytime.

We now know there are four fundamental ‘spooky’ quantum states – 1) quantum entanglement, 2) quantum super-positioning, 3) quantum coherence and 4) quantum tunneling. These four quantum states operate to create and maintain the working foundations beneath the entire created reality around us, and with a bit of forensic enquiry, all four can be seen to also energise our superpowers of attention, choice, and thought. When fully awakened, these three powers – quantum attention, quantum choice and quantum thought – give our mindset superpower pathways to seamlessly bridge our immaterial mind, our physical body, and our material surroundings. This is the mechanism that explains how we are progressively learning to inspire our personal evolution up from yesterday’s conflict, instinct, reflex, impulsiveness and wishful thinking, on to today’s visualisation, connection and attraction, and up into tomorrow’s emerging powers of transformation and manifestation.

Schrodinger won his Nobel Prize in 1933.

1937 – Clinton Davisson and George Thomson shared the Nobel Prize for Physics, with Davisson also demonstrating that electrons display both wave and particle characteristics. This was Laboratory confirmation of Bohr’s earlier theoretical work. By this time Einstein’s best work was done, and it could be argued that Einstein’s wrong-minded certainty that ‘spooky action at a distance’ was impossible actually kept him away from featuring at the leading edge of advances in quantum physics and quantum electrodynamics from 1935 until his death in 1955.

1938 –Otto Hahn et.al. split the atom in Germany to give us nuclear fission. Soon after, Niels Bohr took this information to the USA. The US government then ramped up the Manhattan Project to create a nuclear bomb. This is an example of greater reality at the THIRD speed – quantum speed – being successfully harnessed to influence lesser reality at the FIRST speed – winning a war.

Hahn won his Nobel Prize in 1944.

1945 – Wolfgang Pauli won the Nobel prize for his 1925 discovery of the Exclusion Principle, also called the Pauli Principle. This gave us much more insight into the workings of quantum mechanics than was available earlier, which limited Niels Bohr’s development of his earlier working model of the atom and how the atomic components functioned together in association.Pauli’s work showed us that it is impossible for two electrons (and later, fermions) in the same atom and the same orbital state (Bohr’s discovery) to have the same values of the four quantum numbers: n, the principal quantum number; , the azimuthal quantum number; m, the magnetic contact number; ms, the spin contact number.

Interestingly, Pauli was renowned amongst his colleagues for his inexplicable ability to break experimental equipment simply by being in the vicinity. They jokingly called it the ‘Pauli Effect’. These astonishing occurrences were in line with his investigations into the legitimacy of psychic powers, including his collaboration with C. G. Jung on the concept of synchronicity. Pauli’s interest in parapsychology was in keeping with today’s exploration of the possibilities for the human mind when set fully and openly at the THIRD speed of reality.

1955 – Willis Lamb won the Nobel prize in 1955 for giving us his laboratory proof (1947) of the minutest electromagnetic ‘vibration’ within an electron within an atom within any material object. This discovery helped prove the existence of a ‘framework’ or matrix underlying everyday reality extending all the way down to the smallest sub-atomic scale – about 10-35 meters. At the other end of the scale – the macroscopic at about 10+25 meters – the L.I.G.O. (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) made a similar discovery with its proof of ‘gravitational waves’ surging through empty, deep space, proving the existence of a ‘framework’ or ‘matrix’ underlying everyday reality at the macro intergalactic scale. Between LIGO and Lamb we now have the evidence showing that all of created reality – from the microscopically smallest all the way out to the largest astronomical scale – is seamlessly in-train every-which-way together, and everywhere across forever, through the fundamental reality of the Super Connectome.

1964 – John Bell presented his theorem titled “On the Einstein, Podolsky Rosen Paradox”, proving that Einstein’s blind belief in unknown, local, hidden variables to explain away his own dazzling predictions of weird behaviour or “spooky action at a distance”, was totally unjustified and incorrect.

Bell showed that the only way hidden variables could explain the predictions of quantum physics is if the variables are “non-local” – meaning somehow associated with both halves of a separated pair and able to carry influences instantly between them no matter how widely the two pieces are separated.

Extensive tests across decades using Bell’s theorem have found that the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen (EPR) hypothesis using local hidden variables to explain away Einstein’s own predictions is inconsistent with the weird way that physical systems can be observed to operate. Einstein’s findings of spooky action at a distance are absolutely correct. It was Einstein’s own self-doubt, due to his mental fixation at reality’s FIRST speed, that was misplaced. Non-local reality actually exists as proven through John Bell’s theorem – proven by omission, which is the only way something that has no position in time and place could be proven.

Since 1964, Bell’s theorem – proving that quantum physics is incompatible with local, hidden variable theories – has remained true in the face of many challenges.

The full implications of Bell’s Theorem for the interpretation of quantum mechanics and any positive impact on human experience will remain a work in progress for as long as it takes the mindset of a large part of humanity to reach beyond the finite scale of reality operating at the FIRST speed and grasp the non-local experience and possibilities of reality at the THIRD speed.

1965 – Richard Feynman and two others: Shin’ichirō Tomonaga and Julian Schwinger – were awarded the Nobel prize for their paradigm-shifting work in quantum electrodynamics, with profound consequences for our grasp of the physics of elementary particles forming the foundations of reality. Feynman learned to express his insights most successfully around a visual shorthand quickly identified as Feynman Diagrams – a communication benchmark in the QED field. Many agree that the iconic Feynman Diagram shown here is as profound in its simplicity and meaning as Einstein’s two equations E=M x C2 and M=E÷C2.

We already knew that electrons surround the nucleus of an atom and function simultaneously, not only as complete orbital waves of energy but also as discrete particles of matter.

However, it is the much smaller photons that are totally impressive in their role as reality’s smallest known and dedicated information transportation vehicles. Photons have no mass, and are better described as dynamic ‘holes in empty space’ (see my reference to Nassim Haramein below). All energy in the created cosmos is available as information, and all information is energy. With his diagrams representing low mass and no-mass sub-atomic particles and their interactions, Feynman has given us a clear visual hold on nature’s ceaseless relocation of material information to and from every localised point throughout the created Cosmos.

In effect, Feynman diagrams represent the innermost workings at the centre of physical reality from the first moments after the Big Bang and the beginning of time 13.8 billion years ago all the way across to the present day.

Well, actually, only part of reality’s complete picture – the devolving and disintegrating part; the created portion; the formed fragment of complete reality we call created reality, immersed in an infinite field of energy in perfect balance. The second law of thermodynamics tells us that reality’s library of stored information – literally everything we can identify in time and space – will eventually deconstruct and disintegrate into beams of photons to be sent scattering off every-which-way across the Void and eventually into oblivion. This chaotic thermodynamic meltdown is going on constantly across time and space today, affecting every material thing. This process of energetic decline everywhere – from within the centre point of every atom on out in fractal swirls to beyond the event horizon of the created Cosmos – is made possible by the electromagnetic and electrodynamic carrying capacity of each and every (10-35 sized) photon working as the haulage device.

This transfer of energy and information driving the complete devolution of the created cosmos to the eventual obliteration of time and space, is the fate of reality at the FIRST speed and every created thing within it; the fate of created reality.

But what about the other half, including life itself – the evolving and integrating half? Creative reality? Reality at the instantaneous, quantum THIRD speed? In this example of a Feynman Diagram, the two 3-pronged reference points seen at each end of the photon’s blue squiggle are the visible representations of the closest vantage point available for us to access Einstein’s emergent ‘spooky action at a distance’. These two 3-way reference points signpost the primal point of emergence for the in-finite, original, creative power that has evolved into our created cosmos. This un-created and non-local power point represented in the diagram is forever independent of the FIRST speed’s clumsy local reality and also unaffected by the limitations of first-speed locality. Instead, immediately ‘beyond’ or ‘behind’ these two 3-pronged coherent intersections in the Feynman diagram is the THIRD speed’s true singularity. This is where all connection, attraction, transformation and manifestation originate and are energised. In there we find reality at the instantaneous THIRD speed – the true, immaterial or in-finite singularity that conjoins all points in time and space – the Super Connectome. These two pencil-points at either end of Feynman’s blue photon ‘Y’ also serve to pinpoint the access-all-areas entry point of our attention – our capacity for a mental bridge across forever. Feynman’s twin 3-way entry-and-exit points also represent the ‘timeless moment’ where Erwin Schrodinger and his cat-in-the-box gained access to an infinity of quantum probabilities and limitless possibilities.

Niels Bohr hated Feynman’s diagrams at first sight. Love from Bohr came a little later. I don’t know what Bohr or Feynman would have made of my presentation of greater reality operating seamlessly across THREE speeds. With Feynman’s diagrams as a background, and with an understanding of the THREE speeds of reality, we can roadmap the potential non-local reach of our own mind and its ability to free-range out across different energetic ‘levels’ or ‘scales’ of greater reality. Here is the non-local point where creative mentality meets created reality. The identification of these three speeds allows us to complete our understanding of the emerging power of human consciousness, and where we can go with it. From this space, some of us are developing the ability to engage the full potential of our brain-space and the full spectrum of our personal influence to the best of our ability. There are several objective and subjective measures to help plot our personal progress. Here we can engage complete reality at its THIRD speed, allowing us to refine our evolving powers of connection, attraction, transformation, manifestation and revelation.

Through the power of our telescopes, at this point in human history we have excelled with our understanding of created reality at the scale of the very, very large. also, through the power of our microscopes, we have dived deep into the tiniest foundations of reality at the scale of the very, very small. Now is the time to turn our mental lens inwards – to the dormant powers within intelligent life as a whole … and within ourselves in particular.

Already, the scientific progress being made into this last frontier points to something much more valuable within our rapidly evolving brain-space: a Unifying Experience of Everything. Better than the ultimately unverifiable search for science’s Unified Theory of Everything, this unifying experience of everything involves the switching on of our direct conscious experience of the full field of reality at the instantaneous THIRD speed. Here is Buddha’s Enlightenment.

Understanding this ‘unifying experience’ is key to solving the persistent ‘Measurement Problem’ that bedevils the science of quantum physics. For those who understand the measurement problem, the problem itself collapses the moment we grasp the reach of our three superpowers – quantum attention, quantum choice and quantum thought. Here’s how our superpowers work. Each of our mindset superpowers creatively entangles, collapses, superpositions or quantum tunnels our conscious engagement through the energy field of greater reality – nature’s infinite field of energy in perfect balance in which we are totally immersed. Our sub-optimal dimensions of time and space arise only after our attention arrives. Unfortunately, we restrict our powers of attention, choice and thought by keeping our mindset dumbed down to reality’s FIRST or variable speed of cause and effect while we operate within the limitations of time and place. This keeps us forever unconscious to the unformed, in-finite reality of an intelligent, quantum-powered, in-finite reality at the THIRD speed.

The connection we are missing is our conscious engagement with the ‘gateless gate’ of the formless, quantum-powered, Super Connectome. The Super Connectome facilitates the powers of quantum tunneling, quantum entanglement, quantum super-positioning and quantum coherence arising through greater reality at the instantaneous THIRD speed. Unfortunately, we are culturally and socially conditioned to prefer our self-limiting conscious experience of incomplete reality at its sub-optimal and variable FIRST speed to dominate our mindset and outlook. This limits us to the crippling gravitational pull of our ‘normalised’ common sense, locking ourselves into our finite dimensions of time and space, and maintaining our sub-optimal ability to inform our choices and resolve problems in almost any arena of our life.

Returning for a moment to answer the ‘Measurement Problem’ within the theory and practice of quantum physics, and to help us rise to the occasion of our own self-managed enlightenment, we need to know that our active attention does not instantaneously trigger the collapse of any specific incident of quantum entanglement or super-positioning the moment our attention arrives to observe. The power of attention does not collapse the power of entanglement. What is happening is that active attention collapses from the pre-existing universal states of entanglement, super-positioning, quantum tunneling or coherence that persist in supporting the entire underlying unified reality of everything in creation.

2015 – L.I.G.O. (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) found proof of gravitational waves surging across the deepest of ‘empty’ space – known as the cosmological ‘Void’. By proving there is activity in apparent nothingness, Dirac, Pauli, Lamb and the LIGO research team allow the view that we live in an intelligent universe awash with perpetual creativity at every scale. The discoveries by Einstein, Heisenberg, Pauli, Dirac and Lamb at the impossibly small end of reality, plus the LIGO results at the astronomically large end of reality, are proof positive that ours is a created cosmos forever materially changing (dynamic; moving) in an immaterial, unformed, unlimited and intelligent universe of perpetual creativity. This would make Einstein, Dirac, Pauli, Lamb, the LIGO team and many other individuals today’s combined equivalent of the wise men (and women) of ancient times.

By 1935, due to the work of Bohr, Heisenberg (hero of quantum or in-finite uncertainty), Schrodinger (champion of quantum or in-finite probabilities), and others, it was widely recognized that the boundaries of probability operating within the finite options of cause-and-effect offered by classical physics at reality’s FIRST speed, had been blown wide open by the predictions of quantum physics. Now we are developing pathways into the non-local options for personal performance offered by quantum physics and quantum consciousness. Our capacity for mega mindset mastery is emerging through the accelerating evolution of our superpowers of attention, choice and thought – life experienced through the seamless unity offered at reality’s instantaneous THIRD speed.

2021 – Book: “The THIRD Speed”. A book advancing Radical Wisdom and our rapidly evolving brain space. This book takes us beyond the ongoing scientific search for the Unified Theory of Everything, beyond gods, space and time, and on to the Unifying Experience of Everything.

Via the mathematics of today’s brave researchers such as Nassim Haramein and others, we now know that the amount of information that can be stored on the surface of one subatomic proton within an atom is exactly the same amount of information that can be stored in the huge sphere of the event horizon at the outer dimensions of our created cosmos. This sounds impossible, even absurd, until we realize that information itself requires no space; actual information itself has absolutely no form; formless; non-finite or non-local.

The whole point here is that the only possible way for something to be real and identifiable while at the same time remain forever un-locatable in time and space – like love, information, god, our powers of choice, attention and thought – is if we have missed something crucial in our understanding of reality, something key to our higher experience of reality and our advancement into living a complete and fully empowered life.

My first book on the topic of the intelligent universe and your place in it was ‘Think of an Elephant’. Now this new book ‘The THIRD Speed’ takes us on a voyage of spiritual recovery and personal discovery by presenting the information, knowledge, and training you need to discover and create the unifying experience of everything. By learning to pay attention completely differently, engage with your full range of connections – seen and unseen – completely differently, and experience the full energetic field of reality completely differently, you can align your mindset to fully inform every choice you make and resolve any issue in any area of your personal life, to your best possible ability, in as little as 10 seconds.

One core revelation is that the three components of perception – attention, choice and thought – are each a superpower, a quantum superpower, where each precisely matches the definition of one or more of the four quantum power-points.

A second revelation is that, inside the rapidly evolving combined brain space of humanity, we can use our new understanding of complete reality as it is operating at all THREE speeds simultaneously to help us work out …
(a) where we are on the rapidly evolving spectrum of human consciousness and personal transformation,
(b) what we can do to advance our complete experience of the full field of reality – seen and unseen – and the full field of our mentality – conscious and other-than-conscious.
(c) how to fully inform every choice we make and change whatever we need to change in any arena of our life to the best of our ability.

There is no secret or magic, only our lack of understanding of the workings and possibilities of greater reality. The ultimate breakthrough in consciousness and personal experience is ours once we grasp this missing link. Consciousness and perception – like information – occupies no space. This feature of greater reality – this non-local ‘something-that-is-no-thing’ – is everywhere, including at the core of Einstein’s spooky action at a distance.

Getting our head around this feature of greater reality and working with it is the most important single contribution we can make to our personal evolution, the accelerating evolution of human consciousness, and positive influence.

Today’s quantum physics tells us that ‘the singularity’ was the cosmic crush of everything at the beginning of the big bang and was voided into history with the emergence of the created cosmos. However, the foundational feature of reality – this formless interface behind time and space – must, by definition, remain associated with everywhere, always, as something never created but always influential, and always present at every single point in time and space. This persistent presence of unbreakable, unshakeable, creative formlessness is what I identify as the Infinity Matrix, the Super Connectome – the original, emergent power-point of fundamental reality driving perpetual change and inspiring creativity, persistent today.

The most compelling evidence for this is included in The THIRD Speed.

‘The Way’ of radical wisdom takes our personal engagement past hard-won information and knowledge – the tired old Long Path – and on up to the purest, direct and immediate experience – taking the refreshing and enlightened Short Path.

“Those who don’t know their true face have a need for mirrors and pictures and are impressed by reality’s shadows and echoes. Those who know their true face have no need for reflections and ignore shadows and echoes.” Zen Buddhist paraphrase.

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